Thursday, March 31, 2011

Maybe spring is right around the corner...

The girls and I headed outside for a little sun this afternoon and I was so surprised that it was actually warm!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This is how we do spring break

Cabo, tequila shots, random hookups… Damn, that was something on TV; our spring break was nothing like that.

Monday-The girls and I had a lazy day as I realized we didn’t have to be anywhere, so why get out of pajamas before noon? When Jeff got home from work, I went for a run while he took the girls to the park. We traded off when I was finished and came home for dinner. \

Tuesday-Headed to Stroller Strides, and then home from lunch and naps. India had ballet and back home we went. Doesn’t get crazier than that.

Wednesday-Back to Stroller Strides, and playing at the mall afterwards. India had a great time, and didn’t want to leave but poor Hadley was practically asleep in the stroller. In the afternoon we head to Home Depot to meet the electrician to pick out a range hood. Wow, thank god I am not driving while typing this or I might fall asleep at the wheel.

Thursday-Once again Stroller Strides, I am starting to see a pattern here. After lunch both girls were relaxing (or sleeping in Hadley’s case) so I decided to relax for a while and watch something on Netflix. It was nice for the 45 minutes it lasted.

Friday-Off to another day of Stroller Strides, followed by indoor play at the mall. Afterwards five moms with double strollers invaded Swirl Frozen Yogurt. We had never been before, but it was really good. You pay by the ounce and there are about 12 different flavors and a ton of toppings to pick from. We split a strawberry/blueberry mix with granola, crushed almonds and marshmallows. Minus the marshmallows, it was pretty yummy. Later that evening we hit up Laughing Planet for burrito and chips. We tried to buy margarita fixing’s but the stupid liquor store closes at 7 p.m. I guess the people in the Woodstock area are better prepared for Friday evenings than we are!

Saturday-We decided that we would do a little retail therapy, and once again went to the mall. Jeff got some work things, and India and I also grabbed a few things. Sorry Hadley, you will have to wait for the hand-me-downs in a few years. We got lunch at The Ram followed by more frozen yogurt at Swirl. We also decided to get a new Wii as they were on sale at Fred Meyer. India was very excited to get a pink controller. We spent the evening making lasagna and playing Wii.

Sunday-Both Jeff and I went to get our haircuts as our hairdresser is moving to San Diego. Bummer, we both really like her and she was crazy affordable. Oh well, easy come, easy go I guess. Afterwards we hit up Starbucks for coffee and a cookie. Hadley dazzled us with her new skill, using a straw. We spent the rest of the hanging out and relaxing.

Our spring break wasn’t exciting at all, but it was a nice break from the normal weekly running around.

What did you do for spring break?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Mom, why did the bad guys take our computer?

This is a common question now in our house after it was broken into last week. We weren’t home and everyone is fine, but the whole thing is unsettling. The girls and I came home from Stroller Strides last Tuesday, and I ran Hadley up to her room as she was exhausted. I came downstairs and walked into the kitchen and noticed the laptop was gone. I briefly questioned if I had been using the computer in the living room (not a typical place for it) and looked over and saw the back window was open. I yelled to India to put on her shoes, grabbed Hadley and my purse and headed to the car. I realized while sitting in the car that when I had unlocked the house it didn’t seem like I had to turn the key much. The police came and checked out the area, and told us that there have been quite a few break-ins in the area, with laptops and jewelry being the prime target. The thief or bad guy only took our laptop and the Wii and all the games and controllers. We had quite a few other items of worth sitting out right next to the computer but I guess they weren’t interested in them. They were very clean about it, and I don’t even think they went up stairs; they just grabbed what they wanted and headed out the front door.

The whole experience has left me feeling both violated and heartbroken. I had thousands of pictures on the laptop, and was going to back them up on an external hard drive the same morning this happened, but had decided to do it after lunch while the girls were napping. Quite a few of the pictures are online, but I hadn’t uploaded nearly as many over the last year, so more pictures than I care to think about of Hadley are gone. I find myself jumping over any movement in the backyard, robins being the main culprit. I know that it could have been worse, but I wish the whole thing won’t have happened in the first place…

Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Hadley!

I don’t know how this happened, but my baby is one already. Hadley turned one on Sunday and we celebrated with a family party. In attendance were one and a half sets of grandparents, three aunts, an uncle and four cousins plus her immediate family and a friend of her aunts. The house was full to say the least. India had to take a couple of breaks from all the action as it was a little overwhelming for her. Hadley wasn’t really interested in opening her presents, but luckily she has an older sister that was all over that.

My sister made a beautiful cake and cupcakes, and Hadley enjoyed the frosting quite a bit. On Hadley’s actual birthday we went out and got ice cream, and later made cupcakes at home. You can’t celebrate a birthday enough around here!

On a totally different note, Jeff and I ran a 5k on Sunday morning as part of our work up to a half-marathon in June. The course had more hills than we were expecting, but we felt pretty good all in all. The biggest downside to it was the weather. It rained the entire time we were there, so by the time we got home several hours later both of us were just freezing. I think I am still cold today…

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The house of illness

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I don't know what is going on with our health since moving to Oregon, but I swear one of us is sick with a cold or worse pretty much every week. This week’s hardest hit victim is India who has just a cold, but it is knocking all the life out of her. She pretty much wanted to snuggle all day yesterday, or to nap which is the complete opposite of the kid that just likes to move around all the time. She woke up seeming better today, so she went to preschool and her teacher even came over for an hour after lunch and she played very hard. After the visit, we made cookies and the crankiness returned. After telling her to go take a nap and to stop getting near the hot cookie sheet she went into the living room to snuggle with her blanket. After not hearing her for a few minutes, I found her wrapped up in a blanket sound asleep on the couch. Not a bad way to spend an afternoon, I would join her but I need to get ready to go running. I think I know who got the better end of that deal.
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