Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mom, can I borrow the car?

India took yet another step towards independence and not needing her parents anymore, she started preschool.  She has been so excited about being a “preschooler” and what a big kid she will be.  She showed me her stomach this morning after eating breakfast as evidence of her bigness.  When we got to school she was a little shy, and hanging on my legs but after about 10 minutes she could have cared less that Hadley and I were taking off.  She will be going two days a week for three hours, and then we can stick around and eat lunch if we want to.  It is a co-op preschool, so I will be working there every 6-7 weeks while Jeff works for home and takes care of Hadley. 

While I am excited to be involved in her school, I almost wish that we were starting a few weeks later as we now need to solicit donations for a fundraising auction.  This is so not me or Jeff for that matter.  It would probably help if we knew the area better or frequented an establishment all the time, but that just isn’t the case.  If you have anything you want to donate, let me know!

Yikes, Hadley is turning one already next month.  I can’t believe how fast this year has flown by.  She still isn’t showing any interest in walking, which is okay.  Her new favorite game is peek-a-boo; she just laughs and laughs when she hides under her clothes.  

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What is wrong with fire alarm designers?

Stupid fire alarm is all I can say!  I woke up a little before 3 a.m. to Hadley whimpering, and a loud beep.   I figured I must imaging things as I was here when the brand new alarms were installed a month ago.  I stood in the hallway for a few seconds and turned back into our room only to hear the beep again.  Jeff too was awake (this will tell you how loud it was as he is a deep sleeper) and said it must be the battery.  He got out of bed and we tried to figure out which alarm it was, not easy when there are five of them within 10 feet of each other.  Jeff determined it must be the one in the hallway above the stairs, great only that is probably up the wall 16 feet.  Not a problem if you have a ladder, but we are renters, our ladder is at the old house.  We learn by taking down a different alarm that the beeping isn’t the battery but a malfunction.  Jeff tries to reset it by using a curtain rod (bonus points for creativity) but all it does it run the test alarm (all bonus points lost).  The test alarm is not at all quiet or quick, and did I mention this is at 3 in the morning!  Hadley is completely awake at this point, and India soon follows.  As luck would have it, the alarm that was malfunctioning was actually in Hadley’s room (no wonder she was whimpering) so Jeff took it down, and we all tried to get back to sleep.  I still heard India playing in her room at 4, but that didn’t keep her from getting up at her normal 7 a.m. schedule.  I really wonder if the people that design fire alarms are just horrible people, or just enjoy getting up in the middle of the night.  It’s going to be a long day…

Hadley enjoying an afternoon snack

India has taken to picking out her own outfits lately...

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