Friday, June 22, 2012

Collage Day

I woke up today, and took one look outside and knew that today would be a lounging about at home day.  The sky was gray, and while rain has been in the forecast, it has been dry so far.  It seemed like a perfect day to tackle something off our 80 things to do this summer list.  I mentally went through the list, and make a collage was the winner. 

The girls and I flipped through a few magazines and found images we thought would work and I set to cutting them out.  While I was cutting, I remembered that when I was a kid my grandma would occasionally mail my sister and I cut out images from magazines.  I don’t have any memory of what we did with them, but I do remember being excited when they arrived.

We hit a bit of a snag when I realized that we didn’t have any glue in the house…  Luckily, I found some craft glue for a Christmas craft in the laundry room, and was able to make that work.  India has already selected her cutouts, and had a story to go along with them.  Hadley was more interested in rubbing glue on her fingers. 

We didn’t collage for long, but I think that the girls enjoyed it and we will do it again as I am sure we have not seen our last gray day this summer.

What crafts do you remember from childhood?

1 comment:

Dash Interiors said...

What cute kids looks like you guys had a blast! Great work you guys!

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