Friday, June 22, 2012

Collage Day

I woke up today, and took one look outside and knew that today would be a lounging about at home day.  The sky was gray, and while rain has been in the forecast, it has been dry so far.  It seemed like a perfect day to tackle something off our 80 things to do this summer list.  I mentally went through the list, and make a collage was the winner. 

The girls and I flipped through a few magazines and found images we thought would work and I set to cutting them out.  While I was cutting, I remembered that when I was a kid my grandma would occasionally mail my sister and I cut out images from magazines.  I don’t have any memory of what we did with them, but I do remember being excited when they arrived.

We hit a bit of a snag when I realized that we didn’t have any glue in the house…  Luckily, I found some craft glue for a Christmas craft in the laundry room, and was able to make that work.  India has already selected her cutouts, and had a story to go along with them.  Hadley was more interested in rubbing glue on her fingers. 

We didn’t collage for long, but I think that the girls enjoyed it and we will do it again as I am sure we have not seen our last gray day this summer.

What crafts do you remember from childhood?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012

80 things to do this summer

A few weeks back my pinterest page was full of people pinning things to do this summer lists.  So I decided to create my own.  I had thought I would get 100 things, but I ended up with 80.  My goal is for us to complete them all, and attempt to blog about some of them!

Banana split
Make rootbeer floats
Waffle window
Backwards dinner
Make lemonade
Kids plan dinner
Breakfast for dinner
Food carts
Make popsicles

Dance Party
Make moon sand
Memory game
Play Wii
Play Olympics
Blow bubbles
Finger paint
Game night
Movie night/day
Bbq w/friends
Make bead necklace
Have a tea party
Paint rocks
Make a bird feeder
Make paper airplanes
Scrapbook of the summer
Learn new jokes
Make playdough
Garden party with friends
Make a collage
Ice cream truck
Craft day

Scavenger Hunt
Cloud watching
Bird watching
Fly kites
Breakfast picnic

Ride a train
Botanical Garden
Amusement Park
Visit cousins
Road trip
Explore new city
Garage sale
Visit museum
Story time
Go to the movies
Splash park
Visit a farm
Farmer's market
Visit grandparents
New playground
Tour fire station
Pick berries
Go to OMSI
Visit dad at work
Picnic with dad
Frozen yogurt
Family bike ride
Take a boat ride
Street fair
Kids race
Lunch time concert
Go to a festival
Baseball game
Ladybug walk
Summer reading program
Ride a carousel

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