After crashing at my parents for almost two months, we are living in Portland now. Besides enjoying having a place of our own, it is so great to have Jeff home at a normal time. He was driving to a park-n-ride about 50 minutes away, and getting on a bus to downtown Portland which would take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour depending on traffic (where are the HOV lanes in this state I wonder?). We are just renting at this point, and will be renting out our house in Bothell.
We had thought when we first talked about moving to Portland, that we would end up in the Beaverton area and Jeff would take the Max line (light rail) to work. But my mom mentioned that Sellwood was an area that people liked, and for kicks we drove through the area. We ended up really loving it, and kept our eyes open for a house on Craigslist. We found what was listed as a "newer" home, and by newer they meant built in 1980! I don't know why each house we live in keeps getting older, but it seems to be the trend with us. The house really sticks out as the majority of the homes around it were built in the '30's. India really likes that her room has a little storage area in addition to the closet that she can play in. I can barely stand at the tall end of it, so it is perfect for a little girl and all of her toys.
We are still getting settled in, with lots of boxes still to unpack. I can't believe how much junk we own, seriously there were close to 300 boxes or items that the movers brought in. With that being said, they did count the legs of tables as an item. Luckily the house has a ton of storage, and we have decided that as we unpack we will start getting rid of things. Most people would probably do that before they moved, but Jeff's work paid for the house to be packed for us, so what was the point! I am hoping by next weekend we will have unearthed all the things we really need, and can deal with the rest whenever.
If you are in the Portland area, let us know.