Instead of e-mailing friends and family about Hadley monthly, I am going to try to use this blog to keep people informed. I haven’t done a great job historically on the blog, so wish me luck.
Hadley had her one month birthday earlier this week, and we celebrated by having strawberry shortcake (with India we had carrot cake). So far, Hadley has been a pretty easy baby, knock on wood. She is a little cranky at night, but nothing compared to India. The last few nights we have been able to have her completely calm and ready for bed by 11ish. She wakes up about every three hours to eat, too bad India has been waking up as well most nights and they don’t have their wakeup times coordinated. This makes for rather tired parents.
We had Hadley’s one-month checkup yesterday, and she now weighs 9 pounds 14 ounces, and is 21 inches long. For comparison, India was 8 pounds 11 ounces, and 22 inches long at this point. It will be interesting to see how different the girls are in size from month to month; India was born three weeks early vs. Hadley being two weeks early, so I imagine that Hadley will continue to outweigh India for a while.
We have had a pretty busy month, with me trying to entertain a toddler along with care for an infant. India had a rough go the first couple of weeks with Hadley but now is doing really well, and always wants to check on Hadley. I did my first outing with both girls on my own when Hadley wasn’t quite three weeks old, and it went just fine. I was expecting India to run off, but she actually stayed by me when I had to feed Hadley, it might have helped that it was spring break and the children’s museum we were at was packed. I think the most challenging part of having two is trying to get out the door in prompt fashion.
Quite a few visitors have come to meet Hadley. My youngest sister will be coming through the area next month, and will hopefully stop by. My brother was trying to make it up as well, but hurt his knee snowboarding, so that will probably set him back in travels. Below is a list of who has stopped by:
- Jeff’s mom and stepdad
- Jeff’s sister and her sons
- Jeff’s dad and stepmom
- Jeff’s stepsister and her husband
- Erin’s sister and her family
- Erin’s mom and dad
- Jeff’s grandpa
- Various friends